22 กันยายน 2554


                  Taking good notes will help you save times and improve your grade. You will need notebook, pen or pencil and attentiveness.
STEP 1: Write what you see
Always copy what your teachers write on a board especially where teacher focus maybe this have on the exam.
STEP 2: Listen for the signpost s
Listen for signpost words that teachers said example “remember, first, the most important thing is…, finally”. If you hear this words don’t forget to take note.
STEP 3: Invent shorthand
Just make up your own. Shorthand is short and easy to you understand. Be consistent with your shorthand so you will remember what it means.
STEP 4: Rewrite
When class is over rewrite your notes this simple step improves your retention. Did you know only one out of five things covered in a lecture makes it on to the test

15 กันยายน 2554


Human are interested in many activities like me I like to read a novel books because reading are make the imagination and meditation. It makes me have the knowledge gained from the books and use the free time to benefits. When I do things that I interested. It is the relax that the most comfortable.
        Finally I want everyone to do the things that is interested because it make you incredibly happy

08 กันยายน 2554


Since I can remember I start study English when I study in kindergarten.When I was young I watch Disney animated movies that is my inspiration of learning English because it make me try to understand. When I grow up, learning English more difficult because I have learn many new words. When I study at the high school. I have the opportunity study in mini English program. It means study English with foreign English teachers. It made me understand English better because I have study with native speakers. I hope that the ability to use language better and in the future I want to study aboard.